Juan Carlos Pastene, M. Sc.
office: Czernyring 22/10-12, room 420 e-mail: phone: 06221.477.780fax: 06221.477.769 | ![]() |
since 04/2019 | PhD grant holder of the National Commission for Science and Technology (CONICYT-Chile) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) | |
08/2020 - 12/2020 | Post-title Diploma in Complex Decision Making in the Public and Private Scope at Chilean National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies (ANEPE) | |
05/2013 - 03/2019 | Cartographic Analyst at Military Geographic Institute of Chile (IGM) | |
08/2016 - 11/2018 | Professor of physical geography, climate change and natural risks in the Program of Studies and Development of Academic Talents (PentaUC) | |
08/2015 - 01/2016 | Professor of environmental management in the Commerce School of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce | |
03/2013 - 01/2015 | Master of Science in Governance of Risks and Resources at the Universität Heidelberg, Germany | |
08/2012 - 04/2013 | Cartographic Analyst at National Statistics Institute of Chile (INE) | |
08/2011 - 01/2012 | Post-title Diploma in Geographic Information Systems at Universidad de Chile, Chile | |
03/2006 – 01/2011 | B. Sc. in Geography at the University of Concepción, Chile | |
Focus of Research: |
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Publications & Presentations:
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Analyses of fog climatology in the coastal Chilean Atacama Desert - Concepts, first results and future perspectives of a regional measurement network
In: Frühjahrstreffen Junger Wissenschaftler*innen des Arbeitskreises Klima Tagungsband, Online
Local spatio-temporal fog water availability and gradients in the northern Chilean Coastal Atacama Desert
In: 34. International Geographical Congress, Online
The coastal fog research in the Atacama Desert - Understanding biosphere-atmosphere interactions on the driest place on Earth
In: Workshop "Fog in arid Regions", Online
Multi-dimensional and multi-scalar analysis for building a national fog water potential map
In: Workshop "Fog in arid Regions", Online
Fog climatology analyses in coastal fog ecosystem at the Atacama Desert/Chile - spatio-temporal analysis of fog water characteristics an variability
In: Online Poster Presentation, EGU General Assembly 2020
Analyse of the local fog climatology in the Coastal Chilean Atacama Desert
In: the coastal fog geo-ecosystems in the Chilenean-Peruvian Desert: understandig biosphere-atmosphere interactions, Atacama UC Research Station, Alto Pache
Scientific and environmental education through the use of low cost technologies as a basis for climate change adaptation in rural areas of the Atacama Desert
In: „Climate Neighbourhoods - International Conference on Climate Action“, Heidelberg, Präsentation und Workshop