Tobias Gehrig, M. A.

office: Czernyring 22/10-12, Zi. 412
phone: 06221.477.777
fax: 06221.477.769



since 09/2023 

Seconded teacher at the Heidelberg University of Education, Geography Department

  • Project: Digital Geomedia in Vocational Education (DiGeo:BBNE)
04/2020 - 07/2023 

Lecturer at the PH Heidelberg, Geography Department

09/2017 - 08/2023 

Teacher (civil servant for life) at the International Comprehensive School Heidelberg (IGH) with the following special tasks:

  • Training advisor at PH Heidelberg (ISP)
  • Founding member and participation in the tablet competence team (TKT)
  • Representative for career orientation for the B train
  • Organization of detention for the orientation level (grades 5-7)
  • DATO team (digital grade management and ASV)
02/2016 - 07/2017        

Teaching trainee (civil servant on revocation) and preparatory service for teaching at secondary, secondary and secondary schools at the Mannheim State Seminar for Didactics and Teacher Training, regional council: Karlsruhe, parent school: International Comprehensive School Heidelberg (IGH)

  • Degree: Second state examination
  • Topic of the final thesis: The use of digital media in geography lessons
04/2014 - 03/2016        

Master's degree in educational sciences in the profile of subject didactics, focus on natural sciences at the Heidelberg University of Education

  • Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Sciences (MA)
  • Topic of the master's thesis: Use of design based research in remote sensing didactics. Scientifically based development of a web-based learning module to promote the use of satellite images in schools
04/2014 - 01/2016        

Research assistant at the PH Heidelberg, Department of Geography

11/2013 - 07/2023 

Lecturer at the Mannheim Children's Academy

11/2011 - 03/2014 

Student assistant at the PH Heidelberg, Department of Geography

04/2010 - 11/2013                                                                            

Teaching degree at primary, secondary and secondary schools with German (main subject), geography (main subject), Protestant theology/religious education (related subject) at the Heidelberg University of Education

  • Degree: First state examination
  • Topic of the admission work: The active and dormant volcanoes of southern Italy - an action and product-oriented concept for secondary and secondary schools
02/2008 - 10/2008 

Community service at the University Hospital Mannheim


Abitur at the Carl Benz School Mannheim (technical high school)



Research focus:  
  • Remote sensing
  • Digital geomedia
  • Volcanism
  • Geography didactics
Projects: Digital geomedia in vocational training (DiGeo:BBNE) - Blended learning concepts in vocational training to promote sustainable development in cultural landscapes through modern geotechnologies


  • German Civil Servants Association (DBB)
  • Association for Education and Training (VBE)
  • Association of German School Geographers (VDS)
  • Heidelberg Geographical Society eV (HGG)
  • University Association for Geography and its Didactics (HGD)
  • Christian Democratic Union (CDU)


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