Quality initiative for mobile location-based environmental education and information tools in the field – quality criteria, stakeholder qualification and exemplary elaboration of new high-quality environmental education programs (qualimobil)
Dipl.-Geogr. Christian Plass,Prof. Dr. Alexander Siegmund (till 2015 headed by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Michel) In cooperation with: Prof. Dr. Steffen Schaal, Prof. Dr. Armin Lude, Laure Philippon (University of Education Ludwigsburg)
The mobi-LU study (Lude et al, 2013) revealed a discrepancy between the expert-based description of best practice mobile learning in Environmental Education (EE)/ Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and its current implementation: Many offers were rather motivated by technological feasibility than by the objectives of environmental education. The study showed that a clear educational focus was missing in places. Whereas the (vague) experience of nature with GPS devices, or improving social competence were mentioned as objectives, the critical reflection of advantages or disadvantages of using mobile technologies occurred rarely or not at all. However, the use of mobile technologies as an integral part of reasonable learning arrangements has been identified in a few projects (e.g. Expedition Bog, Fiene et al., 2011). The qualimobil training is based on blended learning scenarios, i.e. a combination of virtual and non-virtual learning settings and methods. The concept of blended learning offers the maximum flexibility to practitioners for part time-professional development, without completely forgoing face-to-face meetings. Learning contents are made available digitally (as video recordings, slides, podcasts, etc.) and thus can be accessed by practitioners according to their own needs. During face-to-face meetings the focus can be placed on interaction and exchange within the community of practice. The training concept of the qualimobil project specifically implements the scientific findings of the mobi-LU-study (esp. Lude et al., 2013).
The learning envirionment is available at www.qualimobil.de.
Virtual learning environment of qualimobil
Project start: 2014
This project is supported by the Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU).